What is Scala? Is it a Language or Platform?
Does it support OOP or FP? Who is the father of Scala?
Scala stands for SCAlable LAnguage.
Martin Odersky is the father of Scala.
Scala is a Multi-Paradigm
Programming Language, which supports both Object-Oriented and Functional
Programming concepts. It is designed and developed by Martin Odersky.
Scala is a Type-Safe
Object-Functional Programming JVM Language. Scala runs on JVM(Java Virtual
Scala is a Hybrid Functional
(Object-Oriented and Functional) Programming JVM Language. Scala has a Strong
and Statically Type System. In Scala, all types are checked at compile-time.
Is Scala Statically-Typed Language? What is
Statically-Typed Language and What is Dynamically-Typed Language? What is the
difference between statically typed and dynamically typed languages?
Yes, Scala is a Statically-Typed
Language means that Type checking is done at compile-time by compiler, not at
run-time. The main Advantage of these kinds of Languages is: As a Developer, we
should care about writing right code to avoid all compile-time errors. As
Compiler checks many of the errors at compile-time, we don’t get much issues or
bugs at run-time.
Examples:- Java,
Scala, C, C++, Haskell etc.
Dynamically-Typed Language
means that Type checking is done at run-time, not at compile-time by compiler.
As a compiler won’t check any type checking at compile-time, We can expect more
run-time issues or bugs.
Groovy, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, Smalltalk etc.
Is Scala a Pure OOP Language? Is Java a Pure OOP
Pure Object-Oriented Programming
Language means that everything should be an Object.
Java is not a Pure Object-Oriented
Programming (OOP) Language because it supports the following two Non-OOP
· Java
supports primitive data types. They are not objects.
· Java
supports Static members. They are not related to objects.
Yes, Scala is a Pure
Object-Oriented Programming Language because in Scala, everything is an Object
and everything is a value. Functions are values and values are Objects.
Scala does not have primitive data
types and also does not have static members.
Does Scala support all Functional Programming
concepts? Does Java 8 support all Functional Programming concepts?
Yes, Scala supports all Functional
Programming (FP) concepts. Java 8 has introduced some Functional Programming
constructs, but it does NOT support all Functional Programming concepts.
For instance, Java 8 does not
support Pattern Matching, Function Currying, Implicits etc.
What are the major advantages of Scala Language?
Are there any drawbacks of Scala Language?
If we use Scala Language to
develop our applications, we can get the following benefits or advantages and
Advantages of Scala Language:-
Advantages of Scala Language:-
· Simple and
Concise Code
· Very
Expressive Code
· More
Readable Code
· 100%
Type-Safe Language
· Immutability
and No Side-Effects
· More
Reusable Code
· More
· Do More
With Less Code
· Very
Flexible Syntax
· Supports
all OOP Features
· Supports
all FP Features. Highly Functional.
· Less Error
Prone Code
· Better
Parallel and Concurrency Programming
· Highly
Scalable and Maintainable code
· Highly
· Distributed
· Full Java
· Powerful
Scala DSLs available
REPL to learn Scala Basics
of Scala Language:-
· Less
Readable Code
· Bit tough
to Understand the Code for beginners
· Complex
Syntax to learn
· Less
Backward Compatibility
NOTE:- We can write Scala
Code either more readable or less readable way.
What is the Main drawback of Scala Language?
Apart from many benefits of Scala,
it has one major Drawback: Backward Compatibility Issue. If we want to upgrade
to latest version of Scala, then we need to take care of changing some package
names, class names, method or function names etc.
For instance, If you are using old
Scala version and your project is using BeanProperty annotation. It was
available in “scala.reflect” like “scala.reflect.BeanProperty” in old versions.
If we want to upgrade to new Scala versions, then we need to change this
package from “scala.reflect” to “scala.beans”.
What is the main motto of Scala Language?
Like Java’s Motto “Write Once Run
Anywhere”, Scala has “Do More With Less” or “Do More With Less Code”Motto.
“Do More With Less” means that we can develop more complex program or logic with less code.
“Do More With Less” means that we can develop more complex program or logic with less code.
What are the popular JVM Languages available
Java, Scala, Groovy and Closure
are most popular JVM (Java Virtual Machine) languages.
Scala, Groovy and Closure JVM
languages supports both Object-Oriented Programming Features and Functional
Programming Features.
Java SE 8 supports all
Object-Oriented Programming Features. However, it supports very few Functional
Programming Features like Lambda Expressions, Functions, Type Inference,
Higher-Order Functions.
Like Java’s java.lang.Object class, what is the
super class of all classes in Scala?
As we know in Java, the super
class of all classes (Java API Classes or User Defined Classes) is
java.lang.Object. In the same way in Scala, the super class of all classes or
traits is “Any” class.
Any class is defined in scala
package like “scala.Any”.
What is default access modifier in Scala? Does
Scala have “public” keyword?
In Scala, if we don’t mention any
access modifier to a method, function, trait, object or class, the default
access modifier is “public”. Even for Fields also, “public” is the default
access modifier.
Because of this default feature,
Scala does not have “public” keyword.
What is “Type Inference” in Scala?
Types can be inferred by the Scala
Compiler at compile-time. It is known as “Type Inference”. Types means Data
type or Result type. We use Types at many places in Scala programs like
Variable types, Object types, Method/Function Parameter types, Method/Function
return types etc.
In simple words, determining the
type of a variable or expression or object etc at compile-time by compiler is
known as “Type Inference”.
What are the similarities and differences
between Scala’s Int and Java’s java.lang.Integer? What is the relationship
between Int and RichInt in Scala?
between Scala’s Int and Java’s java.lang.Integer:
· Both are
· Both are
used to represent integer numbers.
· Both are
32-bit signed integers.
between Scala’s Int and Java’s java.lang.Integer:
· Scala’s
Int class does not implement Comparable interface.
· Java’s java.lang.Integer
class implements Comparable interface.
Java’s Integer is something
similar to Scala’s Int and RichInt. RichInt is a final class defined in
scala.runtime package like “scala.runtime.RichInt”.
In Scala, the Relationship between
Int and RichInt is that when we use Int in a Scala program, it will
automatically convert into RichInt to utilize all methods available in that
Class. We can say that RichInt is an Implicit class of Int.
What is Nothing in Scala? What is Nil in Scala?
What is the relationship between Nothing and Nil in Scala?
In Scala, Nothing is a Type (final
class). It is defined at the bottom of the Scala Type System that means it is a
subtype of anything in Scala. There are no instances of Nothing.
Cases of Nothing In Scala:-
If Nothing does not have any instances, then when do we use this one in Scala Applications?
If Nothing does not have any instances, then when do we use this one in Scala Applications?
· Nil is
defined using Nothing (See below for example).
· None is
defined using Nothing.
object None extends Option[Nothing]
· We can use
Nothing as a return type of methods which never return.
We can use Nothing as a return type of methods which terminates
Nil is an object, which is used to
represent an empty list. It is defined in “scala.collection.immutable” package
as shown below:
object Nil extends List[Nothing]
scala> Nil res5: scala.collection.immutable.Nil.type = List() scala> Nil.length
res6: Int = 0
What is Null in Scala? What is null in Scala?
What is difference between Null and null in Scala?
Null is a Type (final class) in
Scala. Null type is available in “scala” package as “scala.Null”. It has one
and only one instance that is null.
In Scala, “null” is an instance of
type scala.Null type.
scala> val
myNullRef : Null = null myNullRef: Null = null
We cannot assign other values to
Null type references. It accepts only ‘null’ value.
Null is a subtype of all Reference
types. Null is at the bottom of the Scala Type System. As it is NOT a subtype
of Value types, we can assign “null” to any variable of Value type.
scala> val myInt
: Int = null :10: error: an expression of type Null is
ineligible for implicit conversion val myInt : Int = null
Here type mismatch error. found :
Null(null) but required: Int. The implicit conversions between Null and Int are
not applicable because they are ambiguous.
What is Unit in Scala? What is the difference
between Java’s void and Scala’s Unit?
In Scala, Unit is used to
represent “No value” or “No Useful value”. Unit is a final class defined in
“scala” package that is “scala.Unit”.
Unit is something similar to
Java’s void. But they have few differences.
· Java’s
void does not any value. It is nothing.
· Scala’s
Unit has one value ()
· () is the
one and only value of type Unit in Scala. However, there are no values of type
void in Java.
· Java’s
void is a keyword. Scala’s Unit is a final class.
Both are used to represent a
method or function is not returning anything.
What is the difference between val and var in
In Scala, both val and var are
used to define variables. However, they have some significant differences.
· var stands
for variable.
· val stands
for value.
· As we
know, variable means changeable and value means constant.
· var is
used to define Mutable variables that means we can reassign values once its
· val is
used to define Immutable variables that means we cannot reassign values once
its created.
· In simple
Java terminology, var means ‘variable’ and val means ‘final variable’.
What is REPL in Scala? What is the use of
Scala’s REPL? How to access Scala REPL from CMD Prompt?
REPL stands for
Read-Evaluate-Print Loop. We can pronounce it as ‘ripple’. In Scala, REPL is
acts as an Interpreter to execute Scala code from command prompt. That’s why
REPL is also known as Scala CLI(Command Line Interface) or Scala command-line
The main purpose of REPL is that
to develop and test small snippets of Scala code for practice purpose. It is
very useful for Scala Beginners to practice basic programs.
We can access REPL by using
“scala” command. When we type “scala” command at CMD Prompt, we will get REPL
shell where we can type and execute scala code.
scala scala>
What are the Scala Features?
Scala Language supports the
following features:
· Supports
both OOP-style(Imperative-Style) and Functional-Style Programming
· Pure
Object-Oriented Programming Language
· Supports
all Functional Features
· REPL(Read-Evaluate-Print
Loop) Interpreter
· Strong
Type System
· Statically-Typed
· Type
· Supports
Pattern Matching
· Supports
· Supports
Persistent Data Structures
· Uses Actor
Model to develop Concurrency Applications
· Interoperable
with Java
· Available
all development tools – IDEs, Build Tools, Web Frameworks, TDD and BDD
How do we implement loops functionally? What is
the difference between OOP and FP style loops?
We know how to implement loops in
Object-Oriented style: Using Mutable Temporary variables, update the variable
value and use Loop constructs. It is very tedious and unsafe approach. It is not
Object-Oriented style uses the
following constructs to implement Loops:
· Loop
· Mutability
· Side
We can implement same Loops
differently in Functional way. It is Thread-Safe. We can use the following two
techniques to implement the loops in functional style:
· Recursion
· Tail-Recursion
· Immutability
· No
What is “Application” in Scala or What is Scala
Application? What is “App” in Scala? What is the use of Scala’s App?
Scala Application:
In Scala, App is a trait defined in scala package like “scala.App”. It defines main method. If an Object or a Class extends this trait, then they will become as Scala Executable programs automatically because they will inherit main method from Application.
In Scala, App is a trait defined in scala package like “scala.App”. It defines main method. If an Object or a Class extends this trait, then they will become as Scala Executable programs automatically because they will inherit main method from Application.
The main advantage of using App is
that we don’t need to write main method. The main drawback of using App is that
we should use same name “args” to refer command line argument because
scala.App’s main() method uses this name.
Without Scala App:
Without Scala App:
object MyApp { def main( args: Array[String]){ println("Hello
World!") } }
With Scala App:
object MyApp extends App{ println("Hello
World!") }
If we observe above two examples,
in second example we have not defined main method because we have inherited
from Scala App(Application).
Before Scala 2.9, we have
scala.Application trait. But it is deprecated by scala.App since Scala 2.9
Does Scala support Operator Overloading? Does
Java support Operator Overloading?
Java does not support Operator
Overloading. Scala supports Operator Overloading.
The reason is that Java does not
want to support some misleading method names like “+*/”. Scala has given this
flexibility to Developer to decide which methods/functions name should use.
When we call 2 + 3 that means ‘+’
is not an operator, it is a method available in Int class (or it’s implicit
type). Internally, this call is converted into “2.+(3)“.
What is an Expression? What is a Statement?
Difference between Expression and Statement?
Expression is a value that means it will evaluate to a Value. As an Expression returns a value, We can assign it to a variable.
Expression is a value that means it will evaluate to a Value. As an Expression returns a value, We can assign it to a variable.
Example:- Scala’s If condition, Java’s Ternary operator.
Statement defines one or more actions or operations. That means Statement performs actions. As it does not return a value, we cannot assign it to a Variable.
Statement defines one or more actions or operations. That means Statement performs actions. As it does not return a value, we cannot assign it to a Variable.
Example:- Java’s If condition.
What is the difference between Java’s “If..Else”
and Scala’s “If..Else”?
Java’s “If..Else”:
In Java, “If..Else” is a statement, not an expression. It does not return a value and cannot assign it to a variable.
In Java, “If..Else” is a statement, not an expression. It does not return a value and cannot assign it to a variable.
int year; if( count == 0) year = 2014; else year = 2015;
Scala’s “If..Else”:
In Scala, “If..Else” is an expression. It evaluates a value i.e. returns a value. We can assign it to a variable.
In Scala, “If..Else” is an expression. It evaluates a value i.e. returns a value. We can assign it to a variable.
val year = if( count == 0) 2014 else 2015
NOTE:-Scala’s “If..Else” works like Java’s Ternary Operator. We can
use Scala’s “If..Else” like Java’s “If..Else” statement as shown below:
val year = 0 if( count == 0) year = 2014 else year = 2015
Is Scala an Expression-Based Language or
Statement-Based Language? Is Java an Expression-Based Language or
Statement-Based Language?
In Scala, everything is a value.
All Expressions or Statements evaluates to a Value. We can assign Expression,
Function, Closure, Object etc. to a Variable. So Scala is an
Expression-Oriented Language.
In Java, Statements are not
Expressions or Values. We cannot assign them to a Variable. So Java is not an
Expression-Oriented Language. It is a Statement-Based Language.
Tell me some features which are supported by
Java, but not by Scala and Vice versa?
· Java does
not support Operator Overloading, but Scala supports it.
· Java
supports ++ and — operators , but Scala does not support
· Java has
Checked and Unchecked Exceptions, but Scala does not have Checked Exceptions.
· Scala does
not support break and continue statements, but Java uses them.
· Scala does
not have explicit Type casting, but Java supports this feature.
· Scala
supports Pattern Matching, but Java does not.
· Java uses
Primitive Data types, but Scala does not have.
· Java
supports static members, but Scala does not have static members concept.
Scala supports Implicits and Traits, Java does not support them.
NOTE:-This list goes beyond one page. However, these are some
important points to remember about differences in Scala and Java features to
face Scala Interviews.
What is the difference between Function and
Method in Scala?
Scala supports both functions and
methods. We use same syntax to define functions and methods, there is no syntax
However, they have one minor
· We can
define a method in a Scala class or trait. Method is associated with an object
(An instance of a Class). We can call a method by using an instance of a Class.
We cannot use a Scala Method directly without using object.
· Function
is not associated with a class or trait. It is defined in a Scala Package. We
can access functions without using objects, like Java’s Static Methods.
NOTE:- We will discuss about Class, Trait,Package, Object etc in
my coming posts.
How many public class files are possible to
define in Scala source file?
In Java, we can define at-most one
public class/interface in a Source file. Unlike Java, Scala supports multiple
public classes in the same source file.
We can define any number of public
classes/interfaces/traits in a Scala Source file.
Like Java, what are the default imports in Scala
We know, java.lang is the default
package imported into all Java Programs by JVM automatically. We don’t need to
import this package explicitly.
In the same way, the following are
the default imports available in all Scala Programs:
· java.lang package
· scala
· scala.PreDef
How many operators are there in Scala and Why?
Unlike Java and like C++, Scala
supports Operator Overloading. Scala has one and only operator that is “=”
(equalto) operator. Other than this all are methods only.
For instance 2 + 3, here “+” is
not an Operator in Scala. “+” is method available in Int class. Scala Compiler
observes 2 and 3 are Integers and tries to find that “+” method in Int class.
So Scala Compiler converts “2 + 3” expression into “2.+(3)” and make a call to
“+” method on integer object “2” and pass integer object “3” as parameter to
“+” method.
Both “2 + 3” and “2.+(3)” are equal.
It’s just Scala’s syntactic sugar to write programs in Functional style.
Mention Some keywords which are used by Java and
not required in Scala? Why Scala does not require them?
Java uses the following keywords
· ‘public’
keyword – to define classes, interfaces, variables etc.
· ‘static’
keyword – to define static members.
Scala does not required these two
keywords. Scala does not have ‘public’ and ‘static’ keywords.
· In Scala,
default access modifier is ‘public’ for classes,traits, methods/functions,
fields etc. That’s why, ‘public’ keyword is not required.
· To support
OOP principles, Scala team has avoided ‘static’ keyword. That’s why Scala is a
Pure-OOP Langauge. It is very tough to deal static members in Concurrency