1) To open in Terminal
$sudo -I (i) -u postgres psql
2)To check the database available
3)To create database
postgres=#create database manju;
( manju is db name).
4)To connect the db.
postgres=#\c manju;
5)Creating Schema.
postgres=#create schema publicschema;
6)To check the DataType
7)create Table.
postgres=#table publicschema.table1(id integer, password CHAR(10));
8)To check the catalog.
postgres=#select* from pg_catalog.pg_tables;
postgres=# select * from pg_catalog.pg_tables where schema!= 'information_schema' and schema name!='pg_catalog';
9)Insert values
postgres=# into public.manju(1,'1');
9)To view the table
postgres=#select * from public.manju;
10)To Truncate .
postgres=#truncate public.manju;
11)To Delete
postgres=#delete from public.manju;
12)To Drop.
postgres=#drop table public.manju;
$sudo -I (i) -u postgres psql
2)To check the database available
3)To create database
postgres=#create database manju;
( manju is db name).
4)To connect the db.
postgres=#\c manju;
5)Creating Schema.
postgres=#create schema publicschema;
6)To check the DataType
7)create Table.
postgres=#table publicschema.table1(id integer, password CHAR(10));
8)To check the catalog.
postgres=#select* from pg_catalog.pg_tables;
postgres=# select * from pg_catalog.pg_tables where schema!= 'information_schema' and schema name!='pg_catalog';
9)Insert values
postgres=# into public.manju(1,'1');
9)To view the table
postgres=#select * from public.manju;
10)To Truncate .
postgres=#truncate public.manju;
11)To Delete
postgres=#delete from public.manju;
12)To Drop.
postgres=#drop table public.manju;
hi manju
ReplyDeletegood work
Thank you